Most people tend to keep play and work separate. However, there’s so much value in bringing your playful self to work. It can make work so much more effective, creative and fun. That’s why I am excited to share a few powerful steps you can take right away. As you follow this approach, you may surprise yourself in how much more energized and inspired you can feel at work.
Identify Your Biggest Work Challenge
My coaching client, let’s call him Denis, came to his coaching session feeling frustrated. As a leader of a sizable team, Denis felt stretched to his limits: often behind schedule, dreading his overflowing e-mail inbox and maxed out. Together we zeroed in on how Denis was contributing to this frustrating situation. Denis quickly realized his tendency to overthink his communication. Moreover, he also recognized a habit of always making himself available to his staff.
As you tune into what’s most frustrating for you at work, jot down your main frustrations. Then, ask yourself how your approaches may be contributing to this situation. What are you doing or avoiding that may cause your frustrating experience? Take some quality time to reflect on your part in the challenge and write down your insights.
Study Yourself at Play
Subsequently, I asked Denis if he would be open to shift his attention for a moment to one of his most fun activities. Enthusiastically, Denis agreed to focus on something more enjoyable. With delight Denis shared about his passion for playing team sports. “It’s a time when the world fades away, leaving only the game, the camaraderie and a clear mind.”
How about YOU? What is one of your most cherished activities? Take a moment to tune in and write it down.
Experiment with Your Play Approach at Work
“Imagine for a moment that your team at work was your volleyball team, Denis.” I suggested. “What would you do differently, if you were playing a game of volleyball with your team at work?” Denis reflected for a moment, then realized that he would pass the ball much more quickly. “If this was a game of volleyball, I would know who to direct the ball to and trust that person to make the next best move.” Denis blurted with excitement. I congratulated Denis on his powerful insight. “How might you bring your volleyball approach to your leadership role?” I inquired. Upon reflection, Denis realized that he needed to delegate much more often and quickly. “That would keep the volleyball match going, instead of me hogging the ball all the time.” Denis chuckled.
Over to YOU! Imagine for a moment that your frustrating work situation was part of your favourite playtime. What would you differently? Take some quality time to reflect and harvest your insights in writing.
Integrate Play into Work
I congratulated Denis on his powerful insight and asked: “How might you begin to transfer your volleyball approach to your leadership role at work?” Denis zeroed in on his most dreaded e-mail inbox and decided to make it a habit to quickly forward e-mails to the appropriate team member. He was going to share his new approach to e-mail in the upcoming team meeting and empower his staff to execute independently. “What a brilliant idea, Denis!” I acknowledged. “How will you remember to follow through consistently?” I asked. Denis decided to put a hacky sack ball on his desk as a reminder to bring his playful self to work. Each time he forwarded a bunch of e-mails, he would toss the ball in celebration. “That sounds like fun!” I cheered.
During his next coaching session, Denis proudly shared that his playful approach to work was a great success. Denis recognized a greater sense of shared responsibility and camaraderie among his staff, which made his leadership role a lot more fun.
What about YOU? How can you apply your playful self at work? What small steps can you take right away? How will you remember to play at work? Take some quality time to create your game plan. Most importantly, begin to implement your playful ideas right away.
Just like Denis, you don’t have to figure this out alone. I’m right here to coach you on your journey to getting your playful self to work for YOU!
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