
About Julia James

Julia James is a certified life coach and award-winning author of the book, The Mini-Retreat Solution. With over twenty years experience coaching people through positive career transformations, Julia is passionate about helping people connect with their true calling.

How to Play at Work

Most people tend to keep play and work separate. However, there’s so much value in bringing your playful self to work. It can make work so much more effective, creative and fun. That’s why I am excited to share a few powerful steps you can take right away. As you follow this approach, you may surprise yourself in how much more energized and inspired you can [...]

How to Play at Work2024-10-17T08:59:41-07:00

How to Align Your Job with Your Strengths

Do you feel stuck in a job that doesn’t fit? You are not alone! What if you could transform your job to align more closely with your strengths and interests? What if you could transform your job into one that fits for YOU? I am excited to share an awesome tool with you to do just that. […]

How to Align Your Job with Your Strengths2024-09-19T11:31:48-07:00

How to Transform Self-Doubt into Confidence

Is self-doubt stopping you from moving towards a career that energizes and inspires you? As you’ll discover from Ruth’s story, you are not alone! I am excited to share a playful approach to help you access the strengths hidden behind your doubts. Let your powerful insights from this perspective shift propel you forward with confidence! […]

How to Transform Self-Doubt into Confidence2024-10-17T09:13:22-07:00

How to Positively Transform Scarcity Thinking

On your courageous journey to career clarity, you may feel pressed for time, money, and energy. You are not alone! In the fast-paced world we live in, most people feel on some level that there just isn’t enough. Nevertheless, one of my bouts of scarcity thinking led me to an interesting discovery, followed by a powerful transformational experience. Hence, I am excited to share my insights [...]

How to Positively Transform Scarcity Thinking2024-07-10T09:19:47-07:00

5 Powerful Steps to Break Free from Guilt

Are feelings of guilt keeping you stuck in a job that doesn’t fit? You are not alone! Let Kathy’s story inspire you to playfully experiment with guilt, get unstuck and move towards to career that inspires and energizes YOU. Step ONE Notice How Guilt is Keeping You Stuck A few years ago, I was coaching Kathy (not her real name) who felt stuck, underappreciated, and overextended in her job. A [...]

5 Powerful Steps to Break Free from Guilt2024-10-17T09:11:37-07:00

How to Reframe Career Challenges as Growth Opportunities

Do you feel stuck in career or life circumstances that drain your energy? Would you like to find a way to move forward with confidence and ease? You may not always feel at choice about your experience, but you can learn how to reframe it. Powerful shifts happen when you reframe difficult circumstances into opportunities for growth. […]

How to Reframe Career Challenges as Growth Opportunities2024-05-10T12:30:51-07:00

5 Types of Salary to Consider When Changing Careers

Are you at a crossroad with your career? Do you want to pivot in a new career direction? You may be excited about the possibilities. Perhaps you are feeling a bit overwhelmed. No matter what kinds of emotions you experience as you consider a career change, you are not alone! Most of my career coaching clients experience a range of emotions on their journey to career [...]

5 Types of Salary to Consider When Changing Careers2024-07-11T15:32:01-07:00

How Work Frustrations Can Fuel Career Clarity

Are work frustrations zapping your energy? You are not alone! Anger and frustrations stewing inside can make you feel drained. It can even make you sick over time. However, channeled wisely, work frustrations can help you move towards a career path that energizes and inspires YOU. […]

How Work Frustrations Can Fuel Career Clarity2024-07-11T15:32:01-07:00

Powerful Questions Lead to Career Clarity – 5 Fun Steps

What kinds of questions circle through your mind as you search for a career that energizes and inspires you? It’s worth paying attention to the quality of your questions. As Anthony Robbins put it so well: “Quality questions create a quality life.” However, coming up with quality questions can seem illusive, especially when you are feeling a sense of urgency. Here are five fun steps to [...]

Powerful Questions Lead to Career Clarity – 5 Fun Steps2024-07-11T15:32:00-07:00

How Skill-Building Games Grow Your Confidence

Is your dream job out of reach? Which skills would help you pursue your dream career with confidence and ease? Powerful shifts happen when you re-frame your challenge into a skill-building game. […]

How Skill-Building Games Grow Your Confidence2024-07-11T15:32:00-07:00
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