Is self-doubt stopping you from moving towards a career that energizes and inspires you? As you’ll discover from Ruth’s story, you are not alone! I am excited to share a playful approach to help you access the strengths hidden behind your doubts. Let your powerful insights from this perspective shift propel you forward with confidence!

Name Your Self-Doubts

My client (let’s call her Ruth), who had spent most of her career as a consultant, hired me because she wanted to find her way into a meaningful leadership role within an organization. Ruth came to her coaching session mired in self-doubts. For example, she said,  “As I am getting ready to schedule informational interviews with organizations I am interested in, I am tormented by doubts: What if I am too old? Maybe I’ve waited too long? I haven’t gone through a career progression within an organization. So, why would they hire me now?”


How about YOU? What self-doubts and fears are clouding your mind? If you are not sure what’s stopping you, here are a few common doubts to investigate: 

  • I don’t have enough experience.
  • My lack of special certification or credentials is a barrier.
  • I’ve been away from this industry for too long.

Since naming your doubts and fears is an important first step towards positive transformation and confidence, take a moment now, to jot down your self-doubts.

Playfully Transform Your Self-Doubts 

After I thanked Ruth for bringing her concerns to her coaching session, I asked if she was willing to experiment with these doubts in playful ways. Emphatically Ruth agreed. 

“First, let’s imagine we can look at each of these doubts from different angles. If you think ‘I’m too old,’ what’s another perspective? What do you bring because of your age, Ruth?”

Ruth immediately exclaimed: “I have a lot of experience and connections!”

Together we celebrated her refreshing insight. Then I asked, “What do you notice in your body, as you connect with this insight?” In this case, Ruth noticed that she had straightened up in her chair. She felt lighter and even excited to contribute with her experience. 

“Which doubt do you want to play with next, Ruth?” I inquired. Ruth chose “I’ve waited too long.” As Ruth explored the timing element, she discovered her readiness to make a change now. Then she realized: “The kinds of leadership roles I am interested in have only been created in the last few years.” I celebrated Ruth’s insight and acknowledged: “Sounds like your timing is perfect!” Ruth agreed and smiled immediately realizing that her unique experience, connections and perspectives could provide transformational opportunities to the organization that hires her. Certainly, Ruth felt connected to the incredible value she had to offer to her future employer and, all of a sudden, Ruth was beaming with confidence.


Over to YOU! What kind of perspectives do you discover when you look your doubts from other angles? Write down your insights and notice how they feel in your body.

Discover New Perspectives

If you are not sure, how to shift perspective, here are alternative ways to look at the common doubts I shared earlier:

  • A fresh perspective on “I don’t have enough experience” could be “I am a quick learner”
  • When stuck in the thought “I lack special certification” you may want to consider “I bring unique strengths and experience”
  • When you’ve been away from a specific industry for too long, think about the unique perspectives you bring from other sectors and life experiences.

Let Your Insights Inform Your Next Steps

Finally, I asked Ruth how her insights could help to get ready for informational interviews. Ruth pondered for a moment and then suggested that not all organizations would recognize the value of her experience, connections, and perspectives. Then she added:

“I could turn my insights into informational interview questions. These insights could help me discern whether an organization is a good fit.” “Brilliant idea, Ruth!” I celebrated.

Then, Ruth quickly conjured up two powerful questions:

“What value does your organization place on work and life experience?”

“How does your organization complement inside knowledge with perspectives and experience from other sectors?”

Lastly, we celebrated Ruth’s breakthrough experience. Ruth was now excited to schedule informational interviews to identify the right organizations for her next career chapter.


How about YOU? How will your insights inform your next step? Just like Ruth, you don’t have to figure this out alone, I am right here to support you in transforming self-doubt into confidence. Book your free career clarity consult, now!