Are you feeling back to work blues after returning from a vacation? Many of us do. Going back to work after a vacation can be a depressing experience, especially when stuck in a career that doesn’t fit. Your heart tends to remain on vacation as you try to push yourself back into serious work mode.
Why not turn your back to work blues into an opportunity to find what is energizing and meaningful for you? What you enjoy most about your travels says a lot about who you are and what makes you tick. This valuable information can reveal a lot about the career that is right for you. Finding your fulfilling career is the best cure for back to work blues.
Sadly we often draw a distinct line between our personal and professional lives. That’s why back to work blues is so widely spread in our culture. I believe that the more we can bring our natural tendencies and talents into our work-life, the more satisfied, happy and productive we can be. The more you pay attention to the things that are fun, playful and energizing, the easier it becomes to experience fulfillment in your professional life.
At a recent business function, Tom shared with me that he loves networking. “Meeting so many new people excites me, it always makes me feel like I am on a vacation!” I was struck by Tom’s positive attitude. Kudos to him for finding a way to incorporate vacation feelings into his work-life.
When work feels like a vacation to you, it naturally boosts your confidence and energizes you. It’s well worth exploring your vacation style and how you can emulate it at work, just like Tom. Even moments of that ‘being on vacation feel’ can brighten a long work day or week.
1. What is your vacation style?
Do you seek out thrills such as bungee jumping or do you enjoy the peace and serenity of a secluded island? Are you thirsty for learning and like to spend your days in museums, book stores or at archaeological sites?
Do you like to immerse yourself in different cultures or do you enjoy the safety and ease of resort vacations or cruises? Do you love to travel in large groups or do you prefer exploring alongside a special travel companion?
2. Take a moment to describe your own vacation style following these prompts:
- My favourite holiday destinations are…
- My preferred ways to travel are…
- The atmosphere I enjoy most on a vacation is…
- While on vacation I feel…
- My favourite moments while travelling are…
- My most treasured vacation memories are…
3. What does your vacation style tell you about your natural work style?

Making your current work a little more enjoyable is a powerful step towards your fulfilling career. It will help you kick your back to work blues.
Don’t worry if you don’t yet know how to create a career that suits your natural style. For now just enjoy gaining more clarity about your natural vacation and work styles. If you find yourself stuck in a career that doesn’t ‘fit’ it is no surprise that you are feeling the back to work blues.
4. What small step can you take right away to infuse a little vacation feel into your work-life?
Even if you want to ultimately change careers, making your current work a little more enjoyable will energize and renew you. It will help you take the next step towards your fulfilling career. This will help you kick your back to work blues once and for all.
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