Are you dreaming about your ideal career? As wonderful as it is to dream big, the reality of a career path can be quite different from what you imagine it to be. That’s why I encourage you to test-drive your big dream career, before you venture.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve longed to sail around the world. Somehow the idea of being in the middle of the ocean, with no land in sight was very appealing to me. I wanted to experience that kind of solitude and spaciousness.
About 20 years ago, I had the opportunity to participate in a four-day sailing trip in Desolation Sound, a tranquil sailing destination in the Pacific Northwest. Even though I enjoyed the experience, I realized just how confined I felt on the relatively small boat. I longed to move my body and whenever we anchored at a marina, I dashed off the boat to walk the shore.
When I returned from that sailing adventure, I released my dream to sail around the world. I am thankful for the opportunity to explore my desire in a small way. It saved me a big disappointment.
Reality Check Your Dream Career
With career choices it is just the same. You may dream about a profession or role, envisioning how fulfilling it would be. However, the reality of a profession can be quite different from what you imagine it to be.
For example, many people wish they could travel for work. When they fulfill their heart’s desire, they realize how exhausting jet-lag and waiting in airports can be. They may also miss their family and a sense of balance at home. To avoid this kind of disappointment, I encourage you to explore your big dream in a small way.
Take a moment to notice your own heart’s desire now. What do you imagine it to be like to live your big dream? Take some quality time to journal about your ideal career. What are you learning about yourself as you reflect on your writing?
How could you pursue your vision in a much smaller way? You may volunteer for a small project that has elements of your dream. You could reach out to people who are working in your dream job and ask for informational interviews. What else could you do to explore your big dream in a small way? You may want to contemplate other creative ways to test-drive your ideal career.
Next Steps on Your Career Clarity Journey
Once you test-drive your heart’s desire in a small way, you will gather valuable information. You may feel so energized by your experiment that you are now truly motivated to pursue your dream with passion.
Alternatively, you may realize that the reality of your big dream is not as fulfilling for you as you imagined. In this case you’ve saved yourself a lot of energy and disappointment. You are now free to get clear on what career is truly fulfilling for you.
There may be elements of your vision that you still cherish. They may be clues as to what career is ultimately right for you. When I released my fantasy to sail around the world, I knew that solitude and spaciousness were elements from that big dream that I wanted to cultivate. Over the years, I have found many ways to incorporate these nourishing elements into my life.
Remember, you don’t have to travel alone on your journey to career clarity, book your career clarity consultation today. I look forward to exploring with you what career path is right for YOU!
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