The journey to career clarity is in many ways like a walk at the brink of dawn. You can’t quite make out the horizon yet. You are not sure where this career transition will lead you. However, you can see a path revealing itself right in front of your feet. Your job is to take a step and trust that by taking this step, the next step is going to reveal itself to you.
Befriend Uncertainty in Your Career Transition
Becoming comfortable with uncertainty, with the unknown, is one of the greatest challenges we each face. Sometimes the unknown, the mystery is more obvious to us, such as at early dawn or while going through a life or career transition; however, it is really always there. Even when we think we know what’s ahead, we may be surprised by what actually shows up. If you open yourself to uncertainty as a wondrous part of your journey through life, you may notice that this uncertainty makes life interesting and exciting. This shift in perspective may help you find the courage to take a step forward in your career transition without knowing what’s to come next.
If you think that that is just too scary, contemplate for a moment that you are already enjoying watching mystery revealed. Think about it! Every time you watch a new movie, you are completely engaged, sitting at the edge of your seat precisely because you don’t know how the story will unfold and where it will lead. If you knew, you wouldn’t be watching, it would be boring. It is the unknown that draws you in and peeks your curiosity. As Albert Einstein said: “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.” We are drawn to stories, because in so many ways they mirror our own life’s experience.

Tune into your intuition in the midst of your career transition and your next step will reveal itself.
Chances are you don’t exactly know what your fulfilling career looks like or how to get there. Otherwise you would already be doing it, right? However, right here, right now in the midst of your career transition you can open your senses and tune into your intuition and your next step will reveal itself.
For one of my career coaching clients the next step in her career transition was to throw away the many boxes of teaching material that she had collected over the course of her career as a high school teacher. It was like a cleansing ritual, which allowed her to emotionally let go of her attachment to the ‘safety’ of her teaching job. Clearing out the boxes created a lot of space for her. Even though she wasn’t sure what was next, she knew that whatever her next chapter looked like, it needed space to take shape.
Another of my career coaching clients already knows exactly what she wants to do professionally. The stretch for her is to get paid for the work she loves. During her coaching session, she realized that her next step was to limit the free sharing of her wisdom to one hour per prospect. She committed to sharing her consulting rates at the end of each conversation. A few days later she called with exciting news: She had just landed her first consulting contract in her field of choice.

My client established a daily meditation practice. It can be a very powerful step in your career transition.
Yet another career coaching client committed to a daily morning meditation practice as her next step on her career transition. She trusts that by cultivating more stillness in her life, the next step will reveal itself.
Tune Inward in the Midst of Your Career Transition
What is your next step on your journey to career clarity and fulfillment? You may not know and yet there is a deeper wisdom within you that knows. To tap into your inner wisdom, I am going to share a Mini-Retreat with you that I often do with my career coaching clients. Personally, I take this Mini-Retreat whenever I face a challenge or want to make a decision. May it help you tune into your intuition and get clear on your next step in this career transition:
- Stand up, feet shoulder width apart and begin rocking forward and backward noticing your heals and toes.
- Come to a point of stillness, finding your balance between your heals and toes.
- Gently close your eyes (or almost close them) imagine looking down through the soles of your feet with your eyes.
- Allow yourself to inhale and exhale deeply for a few cycles.
- Notice where you feel you centre, your core in your body right now. Put your hand on your core and continue breathing into your core.
The next step on your career transition may very well be to request your free career clarity consultation.
Then direct the question “What is the next step on my journey?” to your core and take a moment to listen inwardly.
- Notice what arises. There may be sensations, feelings, images, sounds, words or phrases. Allow yourself to receive this information without judgement.
- Write down what you experienced. You may know immediately what to do, or you may want to sleep over it to let it percolate.
- Act on the wisdom that arises from this Mini-Retreat.
- Trust that by taking this step, the next step will reveal itself in due time.
The ego is impatient and wants to get to the final destination in an instance. The voice of your intuition is wiser, by aligning yourself with your inner wisdom, you will be lead in mysterious ways. As Joe Girard put it so well: “The elevator to success is out of order, you’ll have to use the stairs…one step at a time.”
Reach Out for Support in Your Career Transition
Don’t be discouraged, if you draw a blank taking this Mini-Retreat on your own. The next step on your career transition may very well be to request your free career clarity consultation. Most of us need support and guidance on the courageous journey to find a career that is fully aligned with who we are.
I wouldn’t have found my way on my own and am forever grateful for my coach who encouraged, challenged and championed me every step of the way. Now, I am here to do just that for you! With my support and guidance, the challenge of finding your calling will become one of the most rewarding adventures you have ever embarked on.
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