Relax, Recharge, Refresh – Mini-Retreat CD

These are short (6-12 minutes) guided meditations, breathing exercises and visualizations on audio-cd that help you relax and recharge quickly. You can listen to the retreats at home, in your office with a headset or even on public transit. Breath Centering, Morning Meditation, Mini-Vacation and Evening Cleansing are all available in audio CD and mp3 format.

Meditative Music and Nature Sounds

You may want to listen to relaxing, meditative music, baroque music, classical music or nature sound recordings to help you calm down. Check out the resources listed on my website for inspiration.


Create special places in your home, office and community. Places where you and others feel relaxed and tempted to take a Mini-Retreat. This can be as simple as a cushion placed on the ground with a few beautiful objects arranged around it and it can be a bench with some garden space around it on your street. Look at your environment and seek opportunities to find and create sanctuaries for yourself and others.

Positive Personal Messages

Thank you cards, love-notes and positive statements posted in your office will brighten your mood and help you relax and recharge quickly.


Think about other supportive places that you would like to create in your environment and share your ideas below in the comment section!

Check out other readers comments below for inspiration.