"When I first started my coaching sessions with Julia, I felt lost, confused, depressed and had no idea where to turn my attentions career-wise. We brainstormed lots and she coached me to tackle some difficult areas of my life that I had been avoiding. She was radiant with positive encouragement through the entire process.
I now have a wonderful career organizing vintage fairs. It's amazing to feel alive and confident knowing that I'm doing exactly what I'm meant to do...bring people together and lift them up. It was through Julia's incredible coaching that I was able to identify what I desired in a career. And magically, it appeared once I knew what I was looking for.
The biggest shock of all though, is how much the coaching affected my personal life. I went to Julia for career coaching, but while working on that, we tackled other personal difficulties that were blocking my path as well. She encouraged and helped me to communicate with my husband, family and friends in a new way.
My connections and relationships with my loved ones have improved in leaps and bounds, and I love my new career! I am so very grateful to Julia and her warm, upbeat, positive coaching style...my life is forever changed."
"Julia helped me through a very bleak time. I was working a low paying job with no growth potential, lots of job security, but no job satisfaction. Managers were complacent, workplace morale was at an all-time low, but nothing was going to change in the foreseeable future. The only thing that could change and had to change was me.
So, I began to do coaching sessions with Julia during my lunch hours at work. She led me through some very eye-opening exercises to help me discover my value systems and desires. She helped me discover that I already knew all the answers, I just needed her help to believe that change was possible.
After less than a year in an otherwise 6-year-long stagnation, I finally left the job that was holding me down and ventured out towards bigger and better possibilities. I am in a much better place now, mentally, spiritually, and financially! I could not have done it without Julia's coaching, and I am now forever her advocate."
"I decided to make a mid-career change after 21 years with one company. Julia helped me take the time to reflect on what was really important to me in a career, so I could pursue the right opportunities and pass on others until I found one that matches my interests in an organization where I’ll be happy."
"My wife and I made a decision over 10 years ago that I would stay home with our two boys. So, when I decided to focus on returning to work, I felt apprehensive and unsure of what I wanted to do. Who is going to hire a guy who has been out of the game for so long?
Julia helped me to believe in myself again and that I do bring a tremendous set of skills.She has warmth and a genuine interest that helps influence forward progress right from the first phone call. Even though I felt I knew what my core values were/are, she helped me to further understand them as pieces to the giant puzzle.
Throughout the process just when I thought we were stuck and it seemed what we were working on what I perceived as silly or repetitious material, Julia had a way of pulling something quite relevant into the moment.
She seldom answers a question directly, instead she gets me to either go deeper or approach from a different angle. For me when the solution comes from within it has more authenticity.
She has awakened in me the recognition that I am a happier person when I am making myself better, both as an employee and a person."
“For 7 years, I was without a career and agonized over my lack of direction. I tried different jobs and worked with other career coaches, but nothing seemed right for me.
Coaching with Julia changed all this. She has an exceptional way of introducing ease and creativity to long-standing problems. I became more positive and patient with myself. Decisions started to happen naturally and surprisingly quickly.
After 3 months of coaching, I had chosen a new career based on a favourite past-time and found a job in that field.
Julia helped me make profound changes when I had almost lost hope. I can confidently recommend her services to anyone ready for a big change.”
"Through coaching sessions with Julia James and through active practice, I honed my skills in envisioning a positive future and a positive mindset for moving toward that future. These focused coaching sessions helped me sort through the different threads and priorities in my life, and to see a longer timeline and wider relevance in my work. Coaching with Julia expanded my capacity to think deeply about my values, priorities and hopes as manifested in my career."
“Working with Julia gave me permission, by welcoming me, to get out of my head and into my body. Life’s challenges distracted my focus and attention. Working with Julia helped me to slow down and really connect with my inner world, where intuition lives.”
"I sought Julia’s help after a decade of jumping from one thing to another (the career equivalent of spinning tires). With her signature joy and patience, Julia helped me explore some of the beliefs and fears that were guiding my actions and getting in the way. I gained a new process for checking in with my inner wisdom, and also learned the power of setting tiny goals. (You can move a mountain one teaspoon at a time.) I feel more calm and focused today. Thanks Julia!"
"Working with Julia James and having a package of 6 Clarity Coaching sessions has been an uplifting, joyful, experience. Now instead of wondering if it would be good to switch careers, I have become settled in the career I have been doing for the last 12 years. I see the freedom and all the benefits in what I have chosen. Plus I have more clarity about what I will and won’t do. Also, learning about what I truly value has been pivotal and a clear path to why I am doing what I am doing. Having more clarity in day-to-day life really helps moving forward in life in a powerful and graceful way. Thank you Julia!!!"
“I needed to drop all preconceived notions and be honest with myself. I had to let go of the ‘corporate Sinisha role’ I had created for myself over the years of working in prestigious hotels and climbing the corporate ladder.
Over the years, I had hypnotized myself into striving for the demanding, upper managerial positions. Through coaching, I realized that I, the true Sinisha, am much more comfortable and effective in a less rigid, less corporate and hierarchical environment.
I had a lot of ‘internal house cleaning’ to do to get rid of ‘the totems I was bound to’, that were not truly mine.”
"My friend recommended Julia in 2014 when I was confused about my career choices and had hit a rough patch in life. I soon realized she is not just a career coach but a life coach. I now realize that a good career coach has to also be a life coach, because all areas of our lives are intimately connected.
Julia is a very warm person and has a unique approach to coaching. She helps you go deep inside yourself, so that you can connect with what you truly want from life and what your inborn talents are.
A few coaching sessions with Julia not only made me feel hopeful but set me on a journey of self exploration that I continue till this day. I am ever so grateful to Julia for her guidance and patience. Thank you, Julia!”
“When I decided to look for a career coach, I had just exited a position that led me to burnout. I didn’t know what to do next, so I needed help with my next steps and to rebuild trust in myself. I immediately connected with Julia because she was simultaneously warm and generous but got to the point very quickly with excellent questions - and that was just the consultation call!
Julia guided me through several elements of my journey. She helped me process a traumatic experience, guided me to seek rest and joy in my everyday life without guilt, and helped me find my own voice in understanding what I am looking for and what my priorities are right now. With her help, I was able to start voicing with confidence not just what I can bring to the table, but what I truly want to bring to the table - and what I want that table to look like!
I appreciate Julia’s approach so much because it was really tailored to me. At each session, we progressed by leaps, because, contrary to my “good student” instincts, I felt I could honestly approach her with where I truly am mentally and emotionally, and she met me where I was, but then we moved forward. She asked excellent questions and had many different approaches available to help me construct my own approaches that truly came from me, so that I was motivated to go try and play.
With Julia’s guidance, I identified that the “what” of my work can be compromised of a plethora of things I find exciting and I’m good at, but most important to me is the “how”. I uncompromisingly need a team-oriented environment and I am happiest when I take on co-leadership roles. She also helped me realize that I’ve actually formed excellent working relationships with people I care about and that care about me. She guided me to authentically start reconnecting and not surprisingly, this is how I landed my interviews!”
Here's How Alexis Re-Aligned with the Essence of Her Life's Work:
"I struggled and struggled with career decisions after staying home with my son for the first few years of his life. I felt conflicted because I had been in a field I loved for years but couldn't see a way to stay in that field while advancing to a level that made it worth my time to be away from my son. I thought I would have to seek out something completely different, but nothing was calling me. I went round and round in my mind for months.
Then I received coaching from Julia and everything began to shift. She took all the effort out of the process. Instead of trying to figure out what to do next, we went deeper into my history, my strengths, and my needs.
Once I got back into alignment with the essence of my life's work and stopped trying to force my square peg into a round hole, everything opened up.Opportunities began popping up that I hadn't even known existed! I am now so fulfilled in my work and so grateful to Julia for her wonderfully skilled coaching!"
Here’s How Cindy Confronted Her Fears and Followed Through with Her Fulfilling Career:
“For me, life change equaled fear. What will happen? How will I decide? Will I be happy? Can I do this? What will people think? How do you move forward when you are all tangled up?
You need someone to make you feel safe and confident that you can do this. You need someone who acknowledges the challenges ahead, the journey that may unfold, the fears and how to get past them. In my case this person was a life coach named Julia James. I had support from many of my friends and my husband, but I needed more than love and support. Julia led me to answer my own hard questions.
With each coaching session I gained more clarity about the roadblocks that I had so strategically placed in my life. I realized that I had to let go of expectations that I thought I needed to fulfill for others. I didn’t need to reinvent myself, I was already pretty good. I just needed to do what I do best and what I enjoy most.
I went back to school with all the young 20-somethings and found that by challenging myself, I felt my confidence come back. It was all so exciting and although scary, it was exactly what I needed! With the assistance and patience of Julia James, I was able to confront my fears, and make a plan to move forward.
I now have a new business. It didn’t happen overnight and it wasn’t always easy, but it was right for me. I’m a personal trainer and specialize on helping seniors get fit in the comfort of their own homes. Thank you, Julia!”
"Working with Julia is like taking a shortcut to achieving my goals. I’ve been able to make massive progress, rapidly!! Thanks, Julia!"
"While I am passionate about my career as a boutique Residential Interior Decorator (sole ownership, home based business), I needed clarity on attracting my ideal clients.
Coaching with Julia helped me clearly define my values and target what brings me joy in working with clients and in my daily life. Once I realized that some clients were not understanding what I can accomplish for them, I refined my client intake process and website to clearly illustrated my goals for clients.
I now attract clients who are a joy to work with and who enjoy receiving my high-quality service."
"It was a breath of fresh air to find Julia at a key point in my career. I really appreciated her creativity and ability to adapt to fit my needs.
She helped me to reflect deeply on my past, explore and identify patterns in all the complexity, and articulate hopes and dreams for the future. Julia is multi-talented – able to listen, encourage and challenge – and is always gracious."
"I found Julia's website online and was drawn to working with her through a 'gut feeling'. After speaking with her on the phone, I knew this was a person I could trust to help me navigate my career uncertainty.
I liked how working with Julia was a slow process of peeling back the layers to reveal my true wants and needs.
As a mom who had put her children's needs first for many years, it seemed I had a lot of layers to work through!
I appreciated how Julia guided me to feel into my body's wisdom for the answers to difficult questions.
In fact, I continue to use Julia's methods - to ask questions, 'listen to' and trust the subtle answers from within. What a valuable skill to have!
I found Julia to be warm, authentic and skilled at getting me to the heart of my career questions, helping me find my answers.
If you are ready to take on this challenge, Julia is the ideal person to have as your guide. She is worth every penny!"
“I never liked being stuck in an office all day. I now see my health issues as a blessing in disguise. They forced me to take a step back, to deepen my understanding of myself and what I want out of life.
The hardest part was to keep on looking for the pieces of the puzzle and to let go of preconceived notions of myself. Having an experienced no nonsense guide like Julia who believed in me, kept me going.
Working as a paramedic, I am always on the move, in action, interacting with people and helping people. I am so glad that I finally found a career path, I really feel excited about that allows me to contribute in a meaningful way.”
"Julia helped me to get to the root of how I interact with my surroundings, so I can manifest what I want to in my life. I understand now that I need to maintain a certain intensity of joy and energy to stay in alignment with my goals.
What I really love about Julia is she is genuine, she will help in any ways she can. Even though we had a professional partnership, I never felt that I was less than. I felt held in the way that was best for me. It was an awesome empowering experience!"
"I began coaching because I felt I didn't have the tools to work out what my passion was. Through coaching, I learnt to focus on working out which activities I love and then find a job where I do those activities as much as possible.
The most important part of coaching was that all the work and all the decisions came from me. It was my journey. But I was supported and had help solving the problems along the way.
As a result of my coaching experience, I have a new career which balances my list of demands, great career goals, meaning, work-life balance and of course, enjoyment."
"I came to Julia wanting a new job, and not sure where to start in redirecting my career. I was clear I was in an unhealthy place, but I wasn’t aware of the depth of my pain and struggle, or how to find a healthier, happier relationship to work. Working with Julia was a blessing! She provided the skilled support and encouraging guidance I needed to take care of myself while embarking on my new direction.
Julia’s warmth and authenticity were what drew me to her. Her caring, compassionate voice has been a constant source of enthusiasm and encouragement for me during this journey. I love the way in which Julia is gentle yet directive, kindly holding me accountable to the commitments I make. I’m proud to say I feel more confident in all areas of my life after working with Julia."
"It is through the holistic approach and the focus on one´s personal resources that Julia inspires us to fully realize and appreciate our strengths. Julia conveys clarity and is a great inspiration. Her knowledge and methods are impressive. The exercises she offers in individual coaching and group sessions such as Career Clarity Circle are very efficient yet easy to do.
I highly recommend individual coaching and group sessions with Julia. Above all, it got me closer in touch with life´s essential themes, such as my values and the importance of grief and gratitude. I have been learning so much from Julia as well as from the other participants in Career Clarity Circle and I am very grateful for that. In addition, it is lovely that our Career Clarity Circle has been meeting regularly for more than a year now :)."
Here's How Aimee Found Clarity, Focus and Confidence to Create Her Dream Career:
"Working with Julia James as my life and career coach has helped me find clarity and focus. I discovered that I could pursue my passion for nature and my deep care for people.
Coaching has given me the confidence to pursue my dream career and create Therapeutic Horticulture where I help people with health challenges create gardens to increase their emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
I would recommend anyone who wants to discover their hidden career dreams and pursue them to hire Julia as her/his coach."
"Julia has been a great adviser to me over the last year. She has helped me grow my business, better my family life and put me on a track to better health.
I know that I can bounce ideas and concerns to an unbiased person. Julia comes back at me with options and ideas that add to or strengthen my original thoughts.
Julia is able to pick out the characteristics within me and focus those traits to strengthen my business and personal life.
My growth with Julia as my coach has been steep and I would recommend anyone to have Julia help them grow."
Here's How Annick Found New Inspiration and Fulfillment in Her Career:
“Although I didn’t change careers, I did change how I see my work, how I want it to be and how I want to feel at work. With Julia’s coaching, I was able to clarify that, working through the different mental blocks as they came which was invaluable to me. With her love, enthusiasm, patience and genuine caring, I felt safe to explore and move forward after 17+ years of working at the same job. I am infinitely grateful to have had her coaching. When I was muddled, scared, unsure, she was clear and made sure I saw the light and followed it! Thanks Julia!”
"Julia was a pleasure to work with. I was initially skeptical of the life/career coaching process, but I found her methodology of personal realization and how that applies to a career change very insightful. Highly recommended."
Here's How Pam Created a Career and Lifestyle around Her Greatest Passions and Strengths:
"Thank you for your incredible support and the journey we have taken together this past nine months exploring what I kept calling my ‘re-invention’ – a re-launch of my life as a businesswoman with a desire to evolve into a new direction.
When you and I started flushing out some career avenues and I shared my husband’s comment that I “would have made an amazing Magazine Editor,” I was far from believing this could be possible. However you encouraged me to seriously explore this avenue, gather information and get in touch with magazine executives in London and New York for real insights into this career. The more I learned about the industry, the more excited I became, and just instinctively knew it was for me…. if only it didn’t seem so out of reach.
Julia, you coached me to create a career and lifestyle around all of my passions and greatest strengths. Six months ago I would have never believed in myself enough to think this was possible, or that I was even good enough… Remember, even the informational interviews were beyond terrifying back then!!! You have shown me the way to pursue my passions, and given me the courage and the strength to believe in myself.
Thanks to your coaching and support, I have been able to land my dream job, and can now enjoy the challenges of this rewarding new career with incredible confidence and personal satisfaction. THANK YOU, Julia!"
"Julia helped me realize my potential more deeply. She helped me focus on my strengths and values so that I would have more direction as to where to put my energy as I move forward. I found her easy to talk to and a pleasure to work with."
Here's How Summer shifted to a More Self-Accepting Way of Being:
"When I first began coaching with you, I wasn’t as aware of how much energy I spent on trying to accommodate the feelings, needs, and expectations of others.
Now I am aware of my long-established habits and I embody a new, albeit still delicate, courage for a more self-accepting way of being. Before your coaching, I was trying to fit into a mould that was wrong for me. I was wasting time pursuing opportunities that were unlikely to make me happy.
I used to attribute negative words to explain what I realize now—after receiving your help, Julia—are my strengths.
Julia, you are a true light in this world. Your spark is contagious and warms and illuminates all the chambers of the heart, the mind and the soul."
"When I decided to work with Julia I was going through a career transition. I had worked in the same industry for over 15 years. Just prior to my time with Julia it became evident to me that I was going to have to change careers. I wasn’t happy in my job and knew that I needed out.
During my time with Julia I was able to reconnect with who I truly was and who I wanted to become. She helped me to see what I truly wanted to be doing with my life.
During my coaching time with Julia I was able to put into words what I truly wanted to do with my life and how I was going to achieve my goal."
Here's How Francine Got Unstuck and in Touch with Her Passion:
"A year ago when I contacted Julia for a series of coaching sessions, I had been in an unhappy work situation for a very long time. I knew I had to make some changes but needed some objective assistance in figuring out how to do this.
I had no idea what I really wanted to do career wise and was very stuck. Several health issues made it difficult to work in my physically demanding job and the work environment was emotionally draining.
During my coaching sessions with Julia, I decided to reduce my work hours to focus on my health. Julia was very supportive during this transition and helped me focus on improving my life.
She helped me figure out what I am passionate about and acted as my best cheerleader. My sessions with her definitely shaped the decisions I made in the following months.
I enrolled in a series of Reiki courses and am now a Reiki Master. I took a buy out from the company I was working for and am now a student of Reflexology and Holistic Nutrition. I am well on my way and excited about starting my own business.
Julia was instrumental in helping me build my confidence to get to this point. I recommend anyone who is at a crossroads in life to seek coaching sessions with Julia. She has helped me realize that I needed to take care of my health first in order to move forward with my career plans.
I have taken the lessons I have learned from coaching with Julia and applied them to my life. I am in a much better place then I was a year ago."
"My curiosity to seek Julia's services began in 2010 when I signed up for her newsletter. It was not until 2016, when I had just had enough of 'feeling stuck' and knew that I needed to reach out for a helping hand. It was one of the best decisions of my life.
Julia has been and continues to be such a crucial part of my journey to finding my true career calling. Her wisdom and guidance give me the confidence to know that I have more 'in me', that there are options, and most importantly that I deserve a fulfilling career.
Our calls are rich in self-discovery and awakening moments. Through our work together, she provides the necessary tools and resources that help me achieve greater career clarity each time. She has a genuine interest in my well-being, and I can affirm that I also benefit in other aspects of my life.
I have recommended Julia's services to others, and continue to do so, as I am very confident in her abilities to assist in achieving personal growth and overall career happiness."
"I sometimes get overwhelmed with the stress of making big changes in this way. Working with you helped me to see that the way I work is just fine and taught me to handle the stress around being that “big leap” kind of person.
I particularly appreciate the way you draw things into focus through your clear questioning, careful listening and provision of just the right resource at just the right time.
I also appreciate the way you took my individuality into account when figuring out the best kind of coaching program for me – you listened to me when I said that an ‘as needed’ approach would work and it did!
Each time I came to you with a particular issue, you went right to the heart of the matter, helped me sort through the various aspects and finished the call with a concrete plan of action to move forward. You did it all in just 40 minutes at a time.
Thanks for helping me. I will definitely refer you to others who would like a laser-focused yet gentle approach to their personal growth and development."
"I sought out a Life Coach because I was totally stressed by the demands of my job and was at the point of quitting with absolutely no plan for my future. I felt like I was standing at the edge of a cliff.
As a result of the coaching process, I realize that I must put myself first and that I am in control of my own life.
I have chosen to stay at my job but it is now a choice. I am able to cope with the stress and make time for the things that are important to me."
"Julia is an intuitive and adept coach who skilfully guided me through the illuminating process of clarifying my talents and defining my values.
With great finesse, she drew out the information from within me, never imposing herself in any way.
I highly recommend her as a life or career coach."
"With warmth, piercing insight, uncanny skill, and unfailing encouragement, Julia James has helped me determine new directions, clarify goals, and become more creative and productive.
Julia’s coaching has helped me deepen my relationships, use my time more wisely, and build a happier life. She has been tremendously helpful, and I recommend her coaching most enthusiastically."
Here's How Katherine Developed a Compelling Vision to Pursue a Career She Truly Loves:
"When I first met life coach Julia James, I was at a crossroads in my career. Although I was keen to continue working in forestry, I was ready to move in a different direction. But I was uncertain how to take the next step. Through coaching, I gained clarity on how to best use my skills and knowledge. Developing a clear, compelling vision was a pivotal part of this career transition process, and it helped me pursue a career that I was truly passionate about.
Julia provided the structure and accountability that I needed to move forward. I still remember the moment I first walked into the office of PriceWaterhouseCoopers, my current employer. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming!
The work environment matched my vision in every aspect – my level of responsibility, independence and flexibility, the support from my team, the space arrangement, the lighting, even the color of the walls were identical to my vision of an ideal job!
Julia is a great coach, and working with her is one of the best things I ever did for myself. With her help, I’m now working in a job I truly love and my life has changed for the better."
"I started mentor coaching with Julia James as a requirement for my own coaching certification in 2020. Julia’s coaching style is gentle, compassionate, clear and confident. I have worked with Julia on many things.
Perhaps the most beneficial session involved realizing that for me to move forward with my business, I needed a dedicated office space. During the pandemic and home-schooling my son, this seemed impossible. I couldn’t visualize how or where I could create this space. With Julia’s coaching, I was able to identify what was holding me back. When I looked closely at these barriers, I was able to let them go. From there, I very quickly took the steps needed to make a wonderful workspace in my own home. Since doing this, my practice has grown quickly. With this, my confidence, and my relationship with myself has also grown.
Julia’s coaching style is body-centered. So, the more I learn about tuning into my intuition and my felt senses, the more I understand and appreciate the power of the way she works. I would recommend Julia to anyone looking to move through blockages to create a life that is more meaningful and satisfying for them. Thank you, Julia, for helping me along my journey."
"If you can be a client of Julia’s you should grab the opportunity with both hands. She will support you in becoming far more effective and joyous in what you do."
"Julia helped me realize that understanding myself is a lifelong commitment. Although it is a long road, it is a very valuable and exciting one.
She introduced me to many useful tools and I felt that my progress was her highest priority – she was working on it even when I was busy elsewhere or feeling down and not actively working toward it myself.
Her encouragement and guidance really motivated me and continue to do so even after our sessions were completed."