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Browse through a selection of TV and radio interviews as well as articles I have been featured in
Nurture Career Clarity – Webinar with Charity Village (February 20, 2025)
Get CLEAR on Your Fulfilling Career! – Chat & Learn with PowerToFly (October 15, 2024)
Stop Waiting! Welcome Career Clarity – Chat & Learn with PowerToFly (July 18, 2024)
Charity Village featured my articles: How to Align Your Job With Your Strengths (Feb 28, 2025); 9 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Confidence (Feb 6, 2025); How to Avoid Passion Pitfall in Your Search for the Right Career (Jan. 9, 2025); How to Lead with Your Strengths in Your Career (Dec. 4, 2024); How to Play to Your Strengths in Your Career (Nov. 7, 2024); How to Playfully Quiet Your Inner Critic on Your Career Journey (Oct. 10, 2024)
My client, Rita Reddy shares one of the powerful tools she experienced through coaching with me in Lunaholistic Podcast, episode 13: How to Listen to Your Inner Wisdom (July 15, 2023). Listen to Rita’s discussion at 31:36 of how to tune into the knowing of the body, a process she learned from me.
Laureen Card from “Women Leading Change” interviewed me about positive career transformation and finding your calling. Listen as we explore whether to leap or build the bridge as you go and how to get to a place of trusting your intuition. (March 2020)
Click to listen on Apple Podcasts Here
Thank God for Monday! Interviewed me about “The signs of hitting a crisis and how to move toward a more fulfilling career”. (August 2019)
Click to listen on Apple Podcasts Here Or Google Podcasts Here
My Career Clarity Coaching Story was featured by Svice Online Marketing (June 2019)
A Mind-Body-Spirit Approach to Figuring Out Your Career Path – Lou Blaser interviewed me on her podcast ‘Second Breaks’, (May 2019)
Midlife Career Transition – Kim Acedo interviewed me on her podcast ‘Me Time’, (December 2018) Listen to the podcast interview here
Should you quit your job to be a stay-at-home mom? – Claire Gagne interviewed me for her article published in Today’s Parent (October 2018)
Stuart Foxman quoted me in his article for the Globe and Mail: “Lifelong Learning and Working” (August 2012)
“Julia James, a life coach in Vancouver, has clients in their 60s who are looking to go back to school and make a new and often very different contribution to the workforce. “It’s not unusual now for people to reconsider their career path at any age,” she says.” Read article here
From Confusion to Clarity – Heidi Hoff interviewed me for her article with Alive Magazine, (January 2011) Read article here
Featured as one of the top Life Coaches in Vancouver
Watch the video and read the article here.
TV interview for P3 Joy TV on stress management, life balance and how to achieve a sense of peace in a hectic world, featuring me and my book, The Mini-Retreat Solution. part I and part II of the interview (May 2010). Watch Part one here Watch part two here
Interview for CBC Vancouver TV News on the emotional impact of winning the lottery, also featured on CBC Radio Morning News. Here is the televised clip from the CBC TV News. Watch on You Tube here
My book, The Mini-Retreat Solution was featured in Entro, The MOM’s Choice Awards Magazine “Proven Stressbusters: Mini-Retreats That Can Be Done Anywhere, Anytime” (Spring 2013)
Phil Bolsta interviewed me in April 2010 about my book, The Mini-Retreat Solution: Listen to the Pod Cast here.
“Easing Back Into Work After Vacation” – I was interviewed by Deena Waisberg for Reader’s Digest on how to make the transition back to work easier and more effective: Reader’s Digest, August 2010. Read article here
The Mini-Retreat Solution was featured in Alfred DePew’s article “Julia James and The Mini-Retreat Solution,” published with the Vancouver Observer in January 2010.
I was interviewed by Lija Kresowaty for her article “How Busy Are You? – Pinpoint your Style of Busy and learn how to make it work for you” that appeared in Glow Magazine in April 2009.
“’Busy has become the status quo and there is a perception that when you are not busy, there’s something wrong with you,’ says Julia James, a life coach in Vancouver. […] James believes that while we have come to take pride in being busy, we forget that it’s not the same as using time productively.” Read article here
Excited to be featured in Pamela Durkin’s article “How to live a long charmed life” published in Boulevard Magazine. (March 2019) Read article excerpt here
I was featured in Pamela Durkin’s article “Spring Break – Breaking up is never easy, but nixing bad habits is good for your health” published in Boulevard Magazine. (March 2018) Read article excerpt here
Excited to be featured in Pamela Durkin’s article “For Good Health – Reflecting on Wellness in 2017” published in Boulevard Magazine. A common theme is spending less time online and more outdoors. (January 2017) Read article excerpt here
I was interviewed for the CTV news segment “Sneeze, wheeze: Many of us go to work sick.” (March 2011) Read article here
I was quoted in Darah Hansen’s column with the Vancouver Sun “Tips on calling in sick” (March 2011)
I was interviewed by Daniela Payne for Canadian Living on How to Fit Exercise Into Your Life (October 2011) Read article here
Donna Barker interviewed me for her article “Aging Gracefully – Avoiding Mid-Life Madness by being ‘good selfish'” featured in Shared Vision Magazine, November 2008.
“According to James, mid-life is when many of us face the largest number of stress factors: we’ve got kids and all the financial, emotional, and time challenges of raising a family; we have aging parents who need more and more from us; and we’re in the busiest time of our careers.“ […] James recommends taking the time to engage in things that are meaningful to you. “Be ‘good selfish,'” she says, “by putting yourself and your needs first to do things that bring you joy.” Read article here
New Year’s Resolutions – interview with CBC Radio’s Craig Lederhouse on how to keep your New Year’s resolutions (BC Almanac, Dec. 29, 2010).
Resolution Battle Won One Step at a Time – interview with Laura Baziuk for 24H – Vancouver News (January 4, 2011) on how to keep your New Year’s resolutions.
Summertime, and the brain is mushy – Tips on how to increase your effectiveness and productivity during the summer months. Front section of the Globe and Mail’s “Globe Careers” article by Wallace Imman, August 2008
“Take advantage of the weather to get outside the office, suggests Julia James Principal of Julia James Life Coaching in Vancouver. Even a lunch-time walk can give you a fresh perspective and stimulate new thinking, she says.” Read article here
Skiing for a Difference: Julia James goes the distance for The Land Conservancy, Spring 2008.