Career Clarity Circle

Do you want a career that energizes and inspires you?
Do you long to make a meaningful contribution with your unique talents?
Do you want to make money doing what you love?

Then Join…

Career Clarity Circle

Do you feel stuck in a career that doesn’t fit? You feel like you are wasting your time, while you could be doing something exciting, fulfilling and meaningful. But you are not sure what that would be and how to get there. Do you feel isolated and alone with your longing? You don’t have to figure this out alone!

Career Clarity Circle is an engaging, practical and highly-actionable 10-week online group coaching program. It is designed to help you find and create a career that energizes and inspires YOU. Do you want to be kept in the loop about the next Career Clarity Circle? I look forward to welcome you to join me and a supportive community of people engaged on the same enriching journey.

Join Career Clarity Circle

    Julia James

    Here’s How Your Career Clarity Journey Unfolds

    With practical tools and insights gained from 15 years coaching people through positive career transformations, I am thrilled to be your guide on your career clarity journey ahead! You will learn about yourself and your fellow explorers through creative explorations, guided journeys, sharing, listening and coaching. Your exciting journey will be facilitated by the following modules.

    Here’s What You’ll Receive on Your Career Clarity Journey

    During the 10-week program you will receive 20 sessions. In addition, you will receive valuable resources and will be surrounded by a supportive community of people engaged on the same exciting journey.

    Career Clarity Circle Sessions

    We meet via zoom video conferencing twice a week. Each session is 90-minutes long and highly interactive. Participate live in as many sessions as possible, to maximize your learning and receive full support on your journey. Additionally, you will receive access to a recording of each session. This will allow you the flexibility to watch/listen when it’s most convenient. You can also review sessions as desired.

    Each live group coaching session one circle member has the opportunity to receive coaching. Everyone else tunes in, supports, holds space and shares in the learning and growth that emerges.

    During each live session, you share and deepen your learning in Mini-Circles (break-out sessions of 2-4 people).

    Join Career Clarity Circle

      Career Clarity Resources & Community Access

      Career Clarity Circle is a program that will positively transform your career and your life.
      The world needs the contribution only you can make.

      A personal assessment launches your self-discovery journey.
      The Career Clarity Coaching Program booklet provides tools, resources and coaching prompts to capture your insights and learning along the way.
      My award-winning book, The Mini-Retreat Solution, provides tools that help you relax quickly to access your inner wisdom on your career clarity journey.
      Every week, you receive inspiring articles or videos relating to each module.
      A personal completion assessment helps you deepen your learning, celebrate your positive career transformation and explore next steps.
      The closed Facebook group, Career Clarity Community, provides daily coaching questions and the opportunity to share and connect with people who are committed to finding, creating and sustaining energizing, inspiring careers, just like YOU.

      Join Career Clarity Circle