mini retreat audio-cd

How to Remember to Take Mini-Retreats – Create Reminder Structures

Talk About Mini-Retreats Share your Mini-Retreat experience with friends and family. Talk about the shifts you are noticing in your day when you take Mini-Retreats. The more you talk about it, the easier it will become for you to remember to take Mini-Retreats. By sharing your success, you might also inspire people in your environment to begin taking Mini-Retreats. Soon you will be able to support each other on your way [...]

How to Remember to Take Mini-Retreats – Create Reminder Structures2015-04-27T04:26:49-07:00

Create More Supportive Places in Your Environment

Relax, Recharge, Refresh – Mini-Retreat CD These are short (6-12 minutes) guided meditations, breathing exercises and visualizations on audio-cd that help you relax and recharge quickly. You can listen to the retreats at home, in your office with a headset or even on public transit. Breath Centering, Morning Meditation, Mini-Vacation and Evening Cleansing are all available in audio CD and mp3 format. Meditative Music and Nature Sounds […]

Create More Supportive Places in Your Environment2023-02-02T16:35:08-08:00

How to Remember to Take a Mini-Retreat – Existing Triggers

Noticing Your Own Signs of Fatigue Your body actually tells you when it’s time to take a Mini-Retreat. When you notice a desire to yawn and stretch, get hungry, have a hard time concentrating or notice the inclination to procrastinate or fantasize, your body is giving you the message, that it is time to relax and recharge. Most people have become accustomed to ignore these natural signs or override them with [...]

How to Remember to Take a Mini-Retreat – Existing Triggers2015-04-27T04:30:15-07:00
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