Even though summer is winding down there is still time to recharge in the relaxing warmth of summer’s glow. Fall is usually a busy transition time where we juggle existing responsibilities and start new projects. Rather than being swept off your feet by those swirling fall winds, set some time aside now to create your focus for the months to come.

People come to me wanting significant changes in many areas of their life. Often the multitude of things we want to accomplish stops us right in our tracks. It can be overwhelming to the point of getting nothing done. It is therefore important to focus on your really big dreams. You know it is a big dream, when you imagine yourself at a ripe old age looking back: Would it disappoint you if you had not acted on this dream? – If the answer is yes, this is a big one.

One of my clients, a father of two kids, has a growing thriving business. His wife is at home full-time with the kids. Even though his business needs his attention, he recognizes that the most important part of his life is his relationship with his wife. He has created a ritual that symbolizes leaving work behind when he leaves the office. Once he gets home, he supports his wife by taking care of the kids, so that she has the opportunity to exercise and take a break. Every evening he spends quality time talking with his wife. Since he made the conscious choice to focus on his relationship, it has greatly improved. The added benefit is, that his effectiveness at work has also improved.

Take a look at your own life!

  •  What do you want to focus on this fall?
  • Write it down and post it where you will see it every day.
  • What can you do on a regular basis to maintain your focus?

Do you want support in creating a meaningful focus this fall? Do you want your life to change for the better? Call for your complimentary coaching consultation: 778-433-5558

Having trouble choosing what to focus on? The mini- retreat audio CD – Explore, Create, Succeed will help you pinpoint your focus for the fall and beyond. Visit http://www.juliajames.ca to order Guided Mini-Retreat CDs.

I’m presenting at the Health Work & Wellness Conference in Toronto on October 17-19, 2007.  If your organization or association is looking for life balance solutions – a presentation, workshop or seminar, why not book me while I’m already in Southern Ontario? It will save you the cost of travel and will save me travelling back and forth!