Summer offers an abundance of energy. It’s the perfect time to enjoy lots of fun Mini-Retreats. Whether you have the opportunity to take a vacation or not, these summer Mini-Retreats will help you replenish yourself and absorb some of the offerings of the season.

Taste Your FoodSummer is one of my favourite seasons just for its flavours alone. The abundance of fresh local fruit and vegetables is fantastic. This weekend I had my first tasting of local blueberries. It was an absolute delight!

  • I took a moment to look at the beautiful berries in my bowl, admired their unique blueberry-blue colour and their little stems.
  • I closed my eyes to smell the fragrance of the berries, a scent that always transports me back to a wonderful childhood memory of picking blueberries in the forest.
  • Then I took the first berry in my mouth and savoured the flavour as I bit the berry open and enjoyed the delicious juice.
  • I was filled with gratitude for this delicious treat.

Every day savour at least one piece of fruit or vegetable. The more you savour your food the less food you will need to feel satisfied. It’s the most effective and most joyful diet yet.

Sun on Your Back = TLCFeeling the sun on my back makes me so happy. It’s like receiving a big hug from a dear friend. Next time you are walking down the street:

  • Take a moment to feel the sun on your back,
  • Let your muscles relax in the warmth, and
  • Completely receive this embrace. Enjoy!

Bare Feet = Happy Feet

Taking your shoes off on a warm summer day is a Mini-Retreat in itself. I feel such freedom with this simple act. Yesterday, I was visiting with a friend in the park. As soon as we sat down on the lawn, we both took our shoes off. We enjoyed the feeling of the grass, the warmth of the sun, and the sensation of the soft breeze on our feet. It feels so good to get in touch with the elements as you set your feet free. Your feet will thank you!

Enjoy these summer Mini-Retreats and please add your own favourite ways to replenish this season.