It has been an a-May-zing May so far! It began with election day in Canada on May 2nd. We witnessed Green Party leader, Elizabeth May, become the first elected Green Party Member of Parliament in Canada. Her leadership and presence are truly inspiring. This historical moment is an excellent reminder that positive change is possible, even when the odds seem stacked against us.

I feel so privileged to witness the positive changes my clients create in their lives every day. Many of my clients didn’t believe it was possible or that they had what it takes to find fulfilling work, meaningful relationships and achieve a healthy balance in their lives before they engaged in the coaching relationship.

Once we begin to create desirable changes, we realize that through one choice at a time, positive change is achievable.  Read some of my clients’ success stories for inspiration. And since we can create positive change on a personal level, we can create it on a national and global level, one step at a time.