One of the important elements of career clarity and career fulfilment is getting in touch with your natural rhythm. Consider for a moment that all creatures have their own rhythm. The rhythm of an elephant is very different from that of a cheetah for example. Let’s agree that both rhythms are equally beautiful and perfectly suited to secure the livelihood of each of these creatures. Since you are also a creature, you too have your own innate rhythm and the best way to secure your livelihood in a sustainable way, is to align with your unique rhythm.

Notice When You are Out of Rhythm

However, most of us have had plenty of life experience that taught us to abandon our inner rhythm. We tend to override our inner rhythm with a pace we deem necessary to succeed or fit in.

When you are out of touch with your natural rhythm you may feel anxious, scattered, overwhelmed, or out of breath. In contrast, sometimes being out of touch with your natural rhythm can also feel like boredom, fatigue or restlessness.

All these states, as uncomfortable as they may be, are valuable signs for you. Becoming aware of these signs and listening to your internal feedback is a vitally important first step towards aligning with your natural rhythm.

Re-Connect with Feelings of Flow

Get curious and tune into your inner rhythm. When you live and work in synch with your natural rhythm, you feel engaged, relaxed and energized. It’s a feeling of flow. You probably already experience feelings of flow when you engage in a cherished hobby, an athletic pursuit, or you connect with art or nature. You may also have experienced feelings of flow at work.


Take a moment now to remember one of these flow experiences. As you recall this experience, notice the sensations in your body, notice your body posture and your breathing. Really savour re-living your flow experience. Knowing in your body what living your natural rhythm feels like, will make it easier for you to recognize moments of flow at work.

Track Your Flow Experiences

  1. Each time you feel in flow throughout your work-day, ask yourself: “What did I just do that energized me?” and jot down the activity that energized you.
  2. Then ask yourself: “How can I engage in this kind of energizing activity more often?”
  3. Continue paying attention to moments of flow, record them and create a log of activities that energize you.
  4. Look at your flow log in the beginning of your day and ask yourself: “Which of these energizing activities will I engage in today?”
  5. Choose your activity and find ways to engage in it throughout the day.


Seek and Attract Flow Opportunities

Besides noticing energizing activities and choosing them more often, it is also helpful to engage people in your professional circle in your quest for flow. Initiate conversations with people you work with you trust, such as your people on your team, your supervisor, colleagues or mentors. Share your insights about activities that energize you. Together you can explore opportunities to engage more often in these kinds of activities.


Draw inspiration from your log, anytime you feel a little depleted. When you do, you can tap once again into the natural well-spring of energy that lives within you.

Track Your Out-of-Rhythm Experiences

As you pay attention to how you feel throughout the day, you will also notice times when you feel drained, anxious, scattered, bored or restless. These are all signals that you are out of rhythm.

  1. Notice times when you feel drained and ask yourself: “What did I just do that drained me?” and jot down the activity that drained you.
  2. Then ask yourself: “How can I delegate this kind of activity more often?” and “Are there other ways to go about this kind of activity that might be more energizing for me?”
  3. Note down your insights and find ways to act on your insights.

Shift What Drains You

Besides noticing draining activities, delegating them or shifting how you do them, also engage people in your professional circle in your efforts to reduce the drain. Initiate conversations with people you work with you trust. Share your insights about activities that drain you. Together you can explore opportunities to creatively shift what drains you.

Now that you are more aware of your unique natural rhythm, you are well on your way to creating and finding work experiences that align with your natural rhythm. Ready to take another powerful step? Request your free career clarity consultation.