while sipping one of my favourite smoothies, I noticed just how much smoothies and life coaching have in common

While sipping one of my favourite smoothies, I noticed just how much smoothies and life coaching have in common…

One of my favourite summer treats is to blend an abundance of berries and vegetables from the garden into a delicious smoothie. Recently, while sipping one of my favourite smoothies, I noticed just how much smoothies and life coaching have in common. Here are some of the common qualities I discovered on my porch while savouring my smoothie.

Delicious: In life coaching you are seen, acknowledged and known with your unique strengths, values and passions. It is one of the most delicious experiences, I have come to know. Here is how one of my clients describes her experience: “From the start I felt that Julia understood me and knew what I was meaning to say even when I had difficulties articulating my feelings.”

Energizing: Life coaching brings out the best in you and helps you turn blocked energy, such as fear, anger, and resentment into life energy that is readily available to pursue your most important goals. As one of my clients puts it: “Julia has an uncanny ability to get to the heart of the matter, she helps me separate wheat from chaff and helps me move forward on the path that is right for me.”

Refreshing: In committing to your own growth and learning and receiving support from a life coach on your personal journey, you are opening yourself in new ways. It is refreshing to look at challenges from different perspectives. Life coaching opens up the space to do that. With each coaching session you discover hidden gifts within. One of my clients says “I appreciate how intuitive you are with respect to my energy level and knowing what I need most at each call.”

Nutritious: Receiving life coaching is the best food for your heart and soul. It makes you grow in ways that you never imagined. One of my clients exclaims: “I feel I have grown by leaps and bound, am following my true desires, and am learning to be both more myself and more responsive to the essence and delectable individuality of others.” Another client notes: “Julia, you always seem to know the shortcut to the issue. It’s about making simple changes right now and taking steps forward.”

If your mouth is watering, book your free life coaching consultation today to explore what life coaching can do for you.

If you want to make some delicious, nutritious, refreshing fruit & vegetable smoothies, check out these recipes.

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