With the Canadian Thanksgiving just behind us and the American Thanksgiving ahead, I am filled with gratitude for this wonderful, mysterious, surprising and at times challenging life. I feel so very blessed to do what I love and make my living doing just that. I am reminded once again of just how different life felt, when I found my labour of love, life coaching, by working with my very first life coach over eight years ago. The best analogy I can think of is the difference between night and day.

I love to support my clients in arriving in the light of clarity about their strengths, values and passion and craft their career based on that. I am thrilled to offer a class on that very subject of FINDING CAREER CLARITY beginning in just a few weeks at Oaklands Neighbourhood House, here in Victoria.

The class is quickly filling up, so please take this opportunity and think about the people in your circle in Victoria and their friends whose lives may be changed for the better, simply by participating in this class. Life is too short to compromise!

Here are the class details:

Finding Career Clarity

Learn how to:
• Get in touch with your passion, strengths, values and dreams
• Make your path to success meaningful and enriching
• Design the next steps on your professional path

WHERE: Oaklands Neighbourhood House, #1 – 2827 Belmont Avenue, Victoria, BC
WHEN: Tuesdays, 7 – 8:30 pm, Nov. 8 – Dec. 6, 2011
Space is limited, to register call 250-370-9101