Most of us are familiar with all-out energy drain – that exhausted, depleted feeling. Even though it is really not fun to feel depleted, very few people take charge of their energy level. Most of us simply don’t know how and even where to start. The Internet is full of tips on what foods to eat and not to eat, what supplements to take. The more you read, the more confused you may feel about how to boost your energy.
There is another way!
Here’s how to boost your energy level by paying attention to the things that drain you and the things that give you a boost. Most importantly you need to commit to adjust your choices accordingly. When you do, you will be well on your way to perform at a higher level, feel more confident, sleep better and create more fulfilling relationships. The all exhausted, depleted feeling will become a faint memory of the past.
Becoming a good steward of my own energy has been a life long journey for me and it is still ongoing. I have come to appreciate that I am a highly sensitive person, which means that time alone every day is as essential for me as food and water. Spending time in noisy, cluttered spaces drains my energy. I enjoy being around people, but I need to balance the stimulation I get from conversations and social interactions with enough alone time and time in nature. I am also quite sensitive to stimulation from the Internet, Social Media and e-mail communication. That’s why I still don’t own a cell phone and why I have a strict personal policy about staying off-line on weekends.
I am still learning how to best manage my own energy. As Richard Bach says, “we teach best what we most need to learn.” After talking with my coach about one of my writing projects, she challenged me to write by hand rather than typing on my computer. Initially it felt as if I was wasting time, since I eventually had to type all my handwritten material into my computer. However, I surprised myself: I got more and higher quality writing done in a day than I have in a long time. As a bonus I felt energized and uplifted after handwriting all day, instead of tired and drained, which is how I often felt after an intense day of writing on my computer. When I eventually sat down at my computer to type all the handwritten material, I was much more focused and got the task done quickly. I had heard that Wayne Dyer, one of my favourite authors does all his writing by hand, and now I know why. I am excited to have discovered yet another way to boost my energy. Thank you for the challenge, coach Margit!
Now, I am not suggesting you should do it my way. However, I encourage you to look at what’s draining and what’s boosting YOUR level of energy. How might you adjust your choices? You too, can learn how to boost your energy level and enjoy better sleeps, more confidence and more fulfilling relationships. It will most likely look different for you than it does for me. You may surprise yourself, just like I did, and discover new approaches that serve you much better.
Here’s How to Boost Your Energy by Reducing the Drains
- Write down all the things that drain your energy on a daily basis. (such as the noise level in the office, interruptions, office politics, lack of sleep, and multi-tasking)
- Pick one (e.g. noise level in the office) and ask yourself the question: “If I truly wanted to boost my energy level, what alternative choices might I consider?”
- Brainstorm possibilities, ideally with another person, such as a trusted friend, colleague or life coach.
- Choose one of your ideas and put it into action.
- After a week of using your new approach, decide whether it is affecting your level of energy in a positive way. Look for signals such as better mood, better sleep, less irritable, happier. If so, make it your new normal. If not, try another idea from your list.
Now that you have taken the first step towards reducing the energy drains in your life, it’s time to discover how you can increase your energy by adding a little dose of joy to your days.
Here’s How to Boost Your Energy by Giving Yourself More Boosts
- Write down all the things that boost your energy. (such as time in nature, conversation with a loved one, reading a good book, going for a walk, dancing and singing)
- Pick one (e.g. going for a walk) and ask yourself the question: “If I truly wanted to boost my energy level, how might I make __________(e.g. going for a walk) a daily/weekly priority?”
- Brainstorm possibilities ideally with another person such as a trusted friend, colleague or coach.
- Choose one of your ideas and put it into action.
- After a week of making this energy booster a priority, decide whether it is affecting your level of energy in a positive way. Look for signals such as better mood, better sleep, less irritable, happier. If so, make it your new normal. If not, try another idea from your list.
Now that you know how to boost your energy, enjoy the renewed sense of confidence that comes from taking charge of how you feel on a daily basis. There is just one more thing I want to share with you that will make boosting your energy even more fun: Share this technique with a trusted friend or colleague and invite them to buddy up with you in learning how to boost your energy.
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Thank you Julia! This is a great blog – just what I needed. I am going to write my lists today and pick my top drainer and booster and commit to making them a weekly priority.
Thank you, Kim! Great to hear that this was valuable and timely for you! Congrats on taking charge of your energy level and making it a weekly priority!
Have fun boosting your energy, Kim!
Julia :)