
How to Play to Your Strengths in Your Career

Why do so many people feel drained and frustrated at work in spite of building their careers on their so-called strengths? A strength is often mistakenly seen as something that you are good at. However, a true strength has two parts to it. It’s something that energizes you AND that you are good at. Unfortunately, we tend to consider activities that energize us merely as hobbies. Learn how to recognize and [...]

How to Play to Your Strengths in Your Career2023-01-20T13:09:08-08:00

How to Live Your Values – 5 Powerful Steps Towards Integrity

Your values are like invisible threads that keep you connected to your higher purpose and everything that’s true for you. Because these threads are invisible, you may not be aware of them until they are compromised. When you find yourself stuck in a job that doesn’t fit, chances are that your values are being compromised at work. Here are five powerful steps to un-stick yourself. […]

How to Live Your Values – 5 Powerful Steps Towards Integrity2021-01-22T17:21:14-08:00

How to Stay Open and Persist on Your Journey to Career Clarity and Fulfillment

Do you feel stuck in a career that doesn’t fit? You are not alone! When I first met John, he was struggling with completing his chartered accountant designation. He had several physical challenges, such as insomnia and severe back pain, that were making it difficult for him to study for his accounting exams. John was working as a junior accountant for an accounting firm. While he was grateful to have a [...]

How to Stay Open and Persist on Your Journey to Career Clarity and Fulfillment2021-01-22T16:20:33-08:00

Informational Interview Questions that Lead to Career Clarity

On your journey to career clarity, conducting informational interviews is one of the last steps before venturing down your chosen career path. Each informational interview helps you gain real live insights into a career field that based on your research seems well aligned with your unique strengths, values, purpose and passion. It’s like ‘test-driving’ your chosen field before taking additional training, starting a business or applying for jobs. […]

Informational Interview Questions that Lead to Career Clarity2020-02-13T15:14:19-08:00

You Are a Gift – How to Attract Your Fulfilling Career & Life

Thank you for coming to this place on earth at this time in history! You are a gift! As Dr. Seuss says it so well: “There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” That you-ness, the essence of who you truly are, is a tremendous gift to the world. Your gift is needed and wanted! […]

You Are a Gift – How to Attract Your Fulfilling Career & Life2021-01-26T15:10:46-08:00

Career Coaching – How to Find the Right Career Opportunities for YOU

When people initially contact me to inquire about career coaching, they often find it challenging to imagine that they could ever find a career that energizes and inspires them. Some are hoping for advice on what career path to pick and ask: “Will you give me specific career suggestions?” or “Can you tell me what I should do, given my skills and experience?” I completely understand how uncomfortable it can feel [...]

Career Coaching – How to Find the Right Career Opportunities for YOU2022-05-20T15:03:06-07:00

How to Stay Focused on Your Career Clarity Journey

How can you stay focused on your career clarity journey, when so many distractions are vying for your attention? One of my career coaching clients, let’s call him Tom, is in the midst of building his consulting business that he is very passionate about. However, he often gets distracted by day dreams about becoming a farmer. His longing to go back to the land distracts him from pursuing his current venture [...]

How to Stay Focused on Your Career Clarity Journey2022-06-02T11:12:20-07:00

Success is Transferable – How to Draw on What’s Working Well in Your Life to Create Career Fulfillment

We tend to be so problem focused that we often don’t pay attention to our success. When we take note of what is working well in our lives, we can use the insights we gain to make positive changes in the aspects of our lives that feel stuck and unfulfilled. Here’s how one of my career coaching clients, let’s call her Liz, did exactly this beautifully and successfully. […]

Success is Transferable – How to Draw on What’s Working Well in Your Life to Create Career Fulfillment2021-01-26T14:47:03-08:00

Informational Interviews – The Way to Test-Drive Your Dream Career

Informational interviews provide an opportunity to learn about the day-to-day reality of your dream career from people who are already engaged in it. Conducting informational interviews allows you to ‘test-drive’ your dream career before investing in additional training, starting a business or applying for jobs. This will save you a lot of time and energy! […]

Informational Interviews – The Way to Test-Drive Your Dream Career2023-02-02T16:50:23-08:00

How to Say NO with Confidence and Grace

Who likes to say no? Most people don’t! However, if you want to say YES to your positive career transformation, you need to learn how to say no to the things that keep you stuck, distracted and overcommitted. Learning how to say no with confidence and grace will help you move forward and create the career and life you truly want. May Aimee’s story inspire you to say YES to your [...]

How to Say NO with Confidence and Grace2021-03-08T11:11:05-08:00


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